Lafeliz Coaching Blog

You don’t need to sell your soul to become successful at marketing. Aug 31, 2023

As a passionate Personal Branding & Marketing Coach, I want to address a common misconception that l...

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When everything turns out completely different than expected. Aug 25, 2023

As I write this post, I realize the last weeks have tested my mindset, and it came truly down to β€œpr...

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What do you truly think about yourself? May 16, 2023

When I started my coaching journey and began narrowing down my niche, I called myself Self-Image & P...

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How to start a group coaching program Apr 26, 2023

If you have ever asked yourself what you need to do to start your own group coaching program, this e...

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How uncomfortable are you willing to get? Apr 26, 2023

I often get asked how I was able to build a successful coaching business from the ground during my f...

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Why your clients will never buy coaching Mar 25, 2023

Many coaches, even seasoned ones, are having difficulties selling coaching because they think it is ...

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